Planning a road trip through Spain is easier than you think! Last year, we rented a car from @europcar and drove from Granada to Málaga, then Sevilla, and finally, Cordoba in the Andalusia region of Southern Spain. You can book the car online via @discovercars_com (it's an aggregator for car rentals).
Spain drives on the right-hand side of the road, which is the opposite of India. It might take a little time to adjust.
Most rental cars in Spain are equipped with modern features like ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems), hill assist, parking sensors, and even lane-keeping assistance. These features are incredibly helpful, especially if you're driving in unfamiliar terrain or steep areas like those in Granada.
Having your own car is extremely convenient, particularly if you plan to visit the outskirts of big cities where public transport is neither easy to find nor cheap. For example, we took two side trips from Málaga—to Nerja Beach and Camino del Rey—and one side trip from Sevilla city to the Skydive Spain site.
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(Driving in Spain, road trip through Spain, things to do in Spain, Spanish road trip)
2 months ago