Passive Observations in Gujarat

I have been a happy traveler since my road trip in Gujarat. Not only did I see some interesting off-beat attractions but this was a road trip where I created my own route map and made my own itinerary.
Of course, there are going to be blog posts for some of these attractions, as well as posts for my route map and itinerary, in which case stay tuned to this space 🙂 (See my Gujarat road trip itinerary & route map here)
This post, presently, where you have landed is my passive (and may be, just may be… unintentionally voyeuristic) observations of some people of Gujarat. Some of them aware, however most of them unaware that they are part of my scheme of click and post.
So here are my observations of people and their caught-in-the-act moments. I shall try to put in a few words the story and/or my thoughts behind capturing each picture….

near Sao Jeronimo fort - Daman - People of GujaratAn old lady sat near the jetty at Nani Daman staring endlessly at the waters of the Daman Ganga in the union territory of Daman. A capture by Noella D’souza.

Sao Jeronimo Fort - Daman - People of Gujarat

Inside the Sao Jeronimo fort (Nani Daman Fort), there was an old cemetery where this worker was doing some digging and cleaning. The worker was a friendly man who even asked us to enter the cemetery if we wished to take closer shots of the graves that looked decades old. Clicked by Noella D’souza.

inside Sao Jeronimo fort - Daman - People of GujaratWhile touring the Sao Jeronimo Fort, I saw this man resting on his motorcycle and it urged me to click this picture.

near Bom Jesus Church - Daman - People of GujaratOutside Bom Jesus Church in Daman, this young boy was riding a bicycle. On his shirt is a print of a popular Hindi film with famous Indian actors Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif.

Boy wearing Ek tha Tiger t-shirt - Daman - People of Gujarat

Here’s a closer look….

Lighthouse - Mota Daman Fort - People of Gujarat

At the lighthouse in Moti Daman Fort, these laborers (two of them looked like kids) were staring into the vast sea, possibly trying to spot some fishing boats or may be boats carrying goods. For all the time I was hanging around the lighthouse, these laborers caught my attention now and again. Take a look at some more shots…

Lighthouse at Mota Daman fort - Daman - People of Gujarat

Lighthouse at Mota Daman fort - Daman - People of Gujarat

(Below) At Jampore beach in Daman, it looked like this dog was in for some bathing time but was distracted by the fisher-women that passed by. (see next pic)

Jhampore Beach - Daman - People of Gujarat

Jhampore Beach - Daman - People of Gujarat

I think the dog was distracted by these fisher-women

Jhampore beach - Daman - People of Gujarat

Just when the dog and the fisher-women had all my attention, these two men who held hands passed from my side. The men clicked tourist photographs for a living and in this particular moment they were strolling the beach looking for customers. (P.S.- The men approached me assuming me to be a customer and asked if I wanted a photograph clicked)

People at Jhampore beach - Daman - People of Gujarat

Talking of photographs, I’m sure this couple got themselves a nice take-home memory in the form a picture clicked by the photographer (No Puns. I’m obviously NOT talking about myself here).

People at Jhampore Beach - Daman - People of Gujarat

Once again at the Jampore beach, this lovely Muslim family was having some family time and enjoying the camel ride.

Peopla at Jhampore beach - Daman - People of Gujarat

Just before leaving Jampore beach, I passed by this Fisher-man and Fisher-women who were having their meal. I tried not to disturb them with my voyeuristic camera but was pleasantly surprised when one of the fisher-lady’s told me to go ahead and click those fishing nets. The opportunist I am, I asked them to smile and captured them in this picture as well.

people at Dominacan Monastery - Daman - People of Gujarat

At the Dominican Monastery in Moti Daman fort, this man was taking some rest from the harsh heat that afternoon.

monkey at Champaner - Pavagad Archaeological site - People of Gujarat

Clearly, this hungry monkey was offended with our intrusive photography at the the Champaner – Pavagadh Archaeological Park. Photo credits- Noella D’souza

at Champaner - Pavagad Archaeological site - People of Gujarat

Narendra (extreme right) was our guide at the Champaner – Pavagadh Archaeological Park. After our tour had culminated, the friendly and kind Narendra insisted on us meeting one of his friends. We were more than willing and overjoyed by his hospitality.

towards Kalika devi Temple - Champaner - People of Gujarat

The Kalika Mata temple is located on a mountain in Pavagadh and requires one to climb over 200 steps. Both sides of this path are lined up with stalls of food, souvenirs, garland shops and some Godmen, like this man in the picture who allowed me to take a snap of him.

Laxmi Vilas Palace - People of Gujarat

And finally, I was avenged by my sister who captured me capturing the Laxmi Vilas Palace in Vadodara. Off-guard and unaware; But what a Lovely picture, I say!


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